Monday, 18 February 2008

16th Entry

This week’s lecture was about fonts. A little boring to have an hour lecture on fonts but I guess it’s something we need to think about since text is very important in multimedia.

Fonts can come in many different variations. The variations can come in the form of weight, width and slant. These variations can be applied and combined to any font, such as Arial black bold italic.

Fonts or typefaces can come in two main types, serif and sans serif. The basic difference between them is that serif has more pointy edges while sans serif has more round edges.

Fonts can be proportional and non proportional. Proportional fonts have variable widths between letters, for example the width of an i will be different than the width of an o. Non proportional fonts have a fixed width between the letters, the text in Notepad is an example of this.

Fonts have the ability to create different emotions, from scary to childlike. These created emotions can be used by designers to create the desired affect.

Text can be aligned differently on the page, it can be left justified, centred, right justified and right left justified.

The spacing in between letters, words and text should also be thought about.

All in all, like I said not the most interesting subject. I’m really looking forward to moving off the subject of text, I really think we’ve done it to death now. It is however important if your creating a publication for example to understand the amount of options open to you.

This week’s tutorial was about database connectivity, something I haven’t done before. We worked with three files, an ASP file which displayed the database in a form web browsers understand, the database file and a CSS file controlling the visuals. While I haven’t worked with ASP before it was easy to pick up, you could easily see which piece of code did what. In the tutorial we added to the database, added some additional code to the ASP page to show the changes and edited some of the visuals via the CSS file.

I’m really pleased we did something I hadn’t done before regarding web development, it’s so nice leaving a tutorial knowing you’ve learnt or worked with something new. I’m sure ASP will come in handy with my upcoming coursework.

For my independent reading this week I’ve got a Wikipedia article of Typefaces and a free archive of free downloadable fonts. See you next week!

  1. Wikipedia article on typefaces

Last accessed 18/02/08

  1. Free downloadable font

Last accessed 18/02/08

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