We started off once again by looking at the multimedia palette to show the different types of multimedia could be used along side video in multimedia applications. It was nice to note video was the only one left that we hadn’t done.
Video can often be the best way of conveying information, although the production costs can often be quite expensive since you often use sound within video as well. The cost however can be reduced if you opt to licence a video rather than go out and create it yourself.
We looked at ways video could be edited, which can be achieved using techniques similar to sound editing. This includes being able to, trim the video, add scenes, delete scenes, create a splash page and add effects to both the video and the transactions between scenes.
The tutorial this week was to create our own splash screens similar to the ones we need to create for our website for our coursework. While it was good to refresh ourselves with Flash again, I think the most beneficial part of the tutorial was the handout itself containing the requirements for the splash page allowing us to come up with ideas for our splash page that meet all those requirements. Its something I’ll definitely be looking over for the coursework.
So this entry marks the end of our blogs, I can’t really say I’m sad to see it go. It has been a lot of work for just one piece of coursework, considering the total number of words in my blog entries is 12,430, although admittedly I’ve always gone over 300 words. I would have much preferred to do an essay instead and get it all out of the way in one go. The ability to give feedback has been nice though. One good thing is that this blog has inspired me to learn how to touch type. It’s actually quite easy to learn, I’ve only been learning it for 4 or 5 days and I’m almost typing at the same speed as I would using the two fingered approach.
For my independent reading this week I’ve got a video regarding using video as a form of multimedia on the web and a tutorial on how to make a splash screen in Flash.
- Video on the web
Last accessed: 18/03/08
- Splash screen tutorial
Last accessed: 18/03/08
Hi, the tutorial was not meant to show exactly what we wanted for the splash page in the coursework, it was just an exercise.
You are allowed to add any of the media we've covered this year in your splash page.
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